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How to Deal with Itching on the Skin Due to Allergies and Irritations

Dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) includes dry and itchy skin to severe blistering rashes. This disease is not life-threatening or contagious, but can make a person feel uncomfortable and confident.

Some types of dermatitis only affect certain parts of the body, while others can occur anywhere. Some types of dermatitis have a known cause, while others don't. However, dermatitis is always associated with skin that reacts to severe dryness, scratching, irritants, or allergies. This type of dermatitis is called contact dermatitis.

Dr. Purnamandala, said, contact dermatitis is dermatitis caused by materials attached to the skin. Contact dermatitis is further divided into two namely irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis

 The difference from the cause, if irritant contact dermatitis is caused is due to ingredients that cause irritants such as detergents, solvents, lubricants, chemicals that are acidic or basic, and wood dust. The main treatment is prevention of objects that are allergic or irritant.

As an example of irritant contact dermatitis due to detergents, patients are encouraged to try to replace detergents. As is the case with powder detergents, you should try changing it with liquid detergent. If contact dermatitis has been replaced, it is advisable to wash the patient using gloves or until the boots to prevent irritant contact dermatitis.

In allergic contact dermatitis, you can look for any allergies with patch test or patch test so you can know any allergies in contact, so that allergic contact dermatitis can be prevented. Contact patients with dermatitis should not be scratched too hard because it will cause a secondary infection due to scratching. Because, the skin is also the outermost body defense.

For medical management, anti-histamine is given as a reduction in itching symptoms and corticosteroid ointment can be given different indications for each layer of skin. If there is an important secondary infection antibiotic ointment is given. Patients should consult their nearest doctor for treatment or management.

This is due to the side effects of ointments and the diagnosis because contact dermatitis is similar to symptoms with fungus. Mushrooms should not be given only corticosteroids because it will effect the spread of the fungus.

Another source from, treatment for dermatitis depends on the type.

Although you can and must treat the symptoms that you are experiencing, the right diagnosis (ideally with the help of a doctor) will help you overcome the source of the cause in order to reduce the severity and prevent dermatitis from recurring again.

How to Deal with Itching on the Skin Due to Allergies and Irritations

1. Clean your skin, especially the part that has a rash.

Use plenty of warm water to remove any remaining irritation. Use only mild soap or not use soap at all. Warning: skip this step if the rash is caused by rubbing your skin too often or frequently getting water.

2. Avoid contact with the cause.

Your first priority is to recognize and eliminate the cause. Cosmetics, perfumes, hair products and metal jewelry are common causes of dermatitis, as are detergents, soaps and household cleaning fluids. If you are not sure what causes your dermatitis, avoid these products as much as possible or switch to other alternatives that are softer and without fragrance.

If you are allergic to latex, do not use clothing with exposed rubber that comes in direct contact with skin, condoms and rubber gloves. If the rash is caused by an allergy to nickel (or other types of metal), you can apply clear nail polish to the metal on your shirt or belt to prevent contact with the skin.

You may also need to follow a low-metal diet, consult with your doctor to get the right dietary advice for you.

3. If you cannot avoid contact, use barrier creams.

Barrier creams can prevent irritation from touching the skin if your dermatitis is caused by materials you use to work or if you have trouble avoiding it. Different working conditions and causes of irritation require different barrier creams. Consult a doctor for the best advice.

4. Take antihistamines before sleeping.

For severe itching, antihistamine sleeping pills like Benadryl can help you to sleep and soothe the itching so that you don't scratch during sleep. Do not use topical antihistamines because they have been proven to worsen contact allergic dermatitis.

5. Use an ointment, lotion or moisturizing cream.

Use an ointment every three to four hours on very dry skin. For areas that are not too severe, use a cream or lotion. You may need to use it instead of soap by following your doctor's instructions. When applying an ointment, cream, or lotion, rub it on the skin in the direction of growing hair. Do not rub, because its function is to moisturize the outer skin and as a protective layer to prevent dehydration of the skin. Replace with another type of moisturizer if it turns out that you are using more and more irritating to the skin.

6. Apply corticostreoid cream for severe cases.

If your condition does not improve, you may need to use corticostreoid ointment to relieve inflammation. You can buy hydrocortisone ointment without a prescription or see your doctor for a stronger alternative prescription (ointment, pill, or injection). Never use corticosteroids in children under 2 years. Pregnant women should use it carefully and choose the type that is not too hard. Apply the ointment once a day, and don't continue for more than two weeks without a doctor's approval.

7. Reduce other symptoms with a warm bath.

Wounds that hurt and release fluids can be treated with warm water mixed with colloidal wheat. This will not cure dermatitis, but can ease the symptoms. 8. See a dermatologist for more serious treatment. Contact dermatitis rarely requires further treatment. If you still have a severe rash after 2 or 3 weeks of treatment, then you should consult a dermatologist. Your doctor may recommend phototherapy, immunosuppressants, or other treatment options.

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